The motor dust collector has sound dust collection effect, small loss of flow resistance and low noise, and rainwater protecting functions, and can endure impaction of rainwater from any direction. 本除尘器除尘效果好,流动阻力损失小,噪声低,具有很好的防雨水功能,可以承受任何方向的雨水冲击。
The pulse cartridge dust collector has advantages of high dusting efficiency, low resistance loss and economized power consumption, benefiting its application in the purification of ultrafine powder. 该脉冲滤筒除尘器具有除尘效率高,阻力损失低,节约除尘系统的动力消耗的优点,有利于在超细粉体净化工艺中的应用。
There was not much effect on thermal efficiency of solar collector by using U-tube, after measures were made to reduce the thermal resistance between heat-Absorbing tube and gills. 采取适当的措施降低吸热管与肋片间的接触热阻后,采用U型管连接方式不会对热利用系统集热器效率造成太大影响。
Inner vortex speeding cyclone dust collector can increase the dust collecting rate, decrease system resistance and prevent dust from adhering on the wall. 内旋流加速旋风集尘器提高了粉尘率,减少了系统阻力,防止了粉尘粘壁。
Pressure Drop in Cyclone Dust Collector and Measures of Resistance Reduction 旋风除尘器的压力损失及减阻措施
The results show that the collecting efficiency of this collector is high and the resistance is low, so it can be spreaded and applied in the field of labour safety and environmental protection. 试验研究表明,该除尘器具有除尘效率高、阻力低的特点,在劳动保护及环境保护领域可以推广应用。
It was found that current collector treated by electroless plating indium without cyanide could reduce internal resistance contacting with mercury-free zinc powder, inhibit corrosion of zinc powder in KOH solution and process of evolved hydrogen. 结果表明:集流体铜钉经无氰化学镀铟处理后,能够降低与锌粉的接触电阻,抑制锌粉腐蚀和氢气的析出。
A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current; as a result the total current density in the device is increased. 为了减小器件的接触电阻和电流的非均匀性,使用了独特形状的集电极,总的电流密度也因此提高。
The most outstanding is dust collector operation resistance loss of general prep above, directly affects the design value system of smoke. 最为突出的就是收尘器运行阻损普遍高于设计值,直接影响了系统的排烟效果。
According to the basic theory of one-dimensional steady heat transfering, the heat transferring model of heat collector, heat radiator, heat insulation unit and TEG related to the influence of thermal resistance are built. 根据一维稳态传热的基本理论,建立了发电装置的集热部件、隔热部件、散热部件以及考虑热阻影响的TEG的传热模型。